The College of Music Technology Center offers students access to computers, high-end music applications, music devices, productivity software, and printers in support of academic endeavors at UNT.  In addition to supporting the core academic needs of UNT students, the Music Technology Center offers additional equipment, software, and services to support the specialized needs within the College of Music. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any special academic discounts for UNT students regarding software to use at home or on personally-owned computers?

Yes! Please visit UNT On The Hub for all offerings.

Can UNT students use any of the lab's music software at home or on personally-owned computers?

Yes! Enrolled music students will have access to the COM Music Desktops via Guacamole. Please visit The Mac Guacamole Guide for help.

Can I stream desktop audio while using the virtual music lab?

Yes! We provide two methods for streaming audio. For more information visit our Online Lab Audio Guide page

Can any UNT student request a recording session in the lab studio?

Yes! All students are eligible provided it supports their academics. For more information visit our Studio page.

Is there a WiFi coverage map or link for campus wireless information? 

Yes, see this map, taken from UNT's WiFi page here.

More FAQs here

News and Events

Summer Hours in effect May 13 - July 31
July hours of operation UPDATED View updated July hours here
More Operational Hours here